Solace Islamic Psychology Conference 2024 – Ramadan and Mental Health

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Topics Covered:

1. Spiritual Obligations and Mental Health - Dr. Bilal Philips


2. Ramadan, Quran and Purification of the Heart - Dr. Anwar Sahib


3. Huqooq Allah and Huqooq al-Ibaad: Striking the Balance - Usman Mughni


4. To Study or To Worship? Youth Mental Health during Ramadan - Zarina Hassem


5. Addiction Afflictions: Break the Chains in Ramadan - Safwan Ibrahim


6. Community Bonds - Fostering Mental Health through Social Support in Ramadan - Sh. Muhammad West


7. Ramadan and Sleep Pattern - Navigating Sleep Challenges during Ramadan - Prof. Dr. Rahmatullah Khan


8. Managing Anxiety and Depression in Ramadan - Bela Khan